Ok, let's get right into it.
In this tutorial I am going to use GCC.
You will also need git, python and probably an AUR package manager.
1. Install all dependencies
OpenSSL 1.0 (higher version will fail, trust me ;D)
sudo pacman -S openssl-1.0
Boost 1.58 (higher version will fail)
Boost is a bit harder because we have to build boost from source.
This process could take a while...
Consider enjoying Star Wars while waiting
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
Now edit the file boost_1_58_0/build/boost/asio/ssl/impl/context.ipp
Change Line 93 to ''handle_ = ::SSL_CTX_new(::SSLv23_method());"
Change Line 96 to ''handle_ = ::SSL_CTX_new(::SSLv23_clien_method());"
Change Line 99 to ''handle_ = ::SSL_CTX_new(::SSLv23_server_method());"
2. Clone GitHub Repo
git clone https://github.com/Jumperbillijumper/jumpcoin
3. Edit the Makefile
cd jumpcoin/src
nano makefile.unix
Change Line 158 to "LIBS += /usr/lib/libleveldb.so $(CURDIR)/leveldb/libmemenv.a"
4. Set environment variables
5. Build leveldb
cd leveldb && chmod +x ./build_detect_platform && make libleveldb.a && make libmemenv.a && cd ..
6. Build jumpcoind
Now it's the time, fingers crossed
make -f makefile.unix
7. Wait...
Wait until the compilation is done.
Maybe stretch out or do some push ups.
8. After compilation
strip jumpcoind reduce file size
mv jumpcoind ../../ move executable
cd ../../
9. setup
mkdir ~/.jumpcoin
create a new config "jumpcoin.conf"
- server=1
- listen=1
- deamon=1
- maxconnection=64
- rpcallowip=
- txindex=1
- blocknotify=echo New Block recieved - Hash: %s
- walletnotify=echo New Transaction - Hash: %s
- alertnotify=echo ALERT! - Info: %s
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
- addnode=
you can generate a random RPC username and password with openssl rand -hex 64 (64 is the length in bytes)
Before running the node you can copy your wallet.dat to ~/.jumpcoin to import your wallet
10 Finally
Now you can run ~/jumpcoin/jumpcoind (use -printtoconsole and -debug flags for more info)
(11. Adjust Firewall for port tcp:31242)